Die Crew für Whistler – Peter

The Crew for Whistler is getting more international. Here is Pete!

We met Peter during the after race party oft he 2016 Squamish 50. Between the first and the last beer we figured out, that we are also running The Rut just two weeks later. So we met again in Montana and had some beer after the race.

Tobi und Rupi met Peter again in Hong-Kong and Ronny met Peter during the TNF Endurance Challenge in San Francisco.

Born in Australia, Peter lived a long time in Hong-Kong and now he is back in the U.S.

Peter is part of our group and we stay in contact via our WhatsApp-Group. What starts with a beer in Squamish turned into friendship.

Hey Pete how are you? May you shortly introduce yourself to the German audience.

G’day Germany. I’m Aussie Pete from Hong Kong. Nice to meet you. How’s things? 

Australia, Hong-Kong, U.S., Canada, you’ve seen a lot of places around the world. What’s the best place to live and run?

Good question. These are all great places to live and run ! Seriously, what a list.

You are toeing the line for the 175k in Whistler. Are you nervous?



Is this your first 100 miler?

Right now, Yes. 

Right right now. Pete finished his first 100 miler. That sounds like a perfect preparation for some funny hours in the Alpine Meadows around Whistler! 😉

You are famous for your wildlife encounters during races. Do you have a special strategy to avoid these encounters during a 175k through the Canadian wilderness?

No ! Working on it.

After the race comes the party. What’s your favorite drink and you favorite beer? 

C’mon man ! Rum & Coke baby. And cold beer, any cold beer. 

The Alps, especially the German and Austrian Alps are waiting for you. Are you ready?

Bring it. Can’t wait to get there. 

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